Items in action

normal price € 135.8 (3,530.8 Kč)
our price € 108.6 (2,823.6 Kč)
on stock
normal price € 80.5 (2,093.0 Kč)
our price € 64.4 (1,674.4 Kč)
on stock
normal price € 135.8 (3,530.8 Kč)
our price € 108.6 (2,823.6 Kč)
on stock


Tomáš Viktora
Vazová 2498
68801 Uherský Brod
phone: +420 776 343 333
Czech Republic






2025 NEW YEAR PARTY CROSS GAMES EUROPE 2024 CZ/SK RC Drift Champ. 2024 CROSS GAMES EUROPE 2023 Vánoční driftpárty 2022 YEDA Drift party Czech season 2020 CROSS GAMES EUROPE 2019 YEDA Drift Party 2019 YEDA BORY MALL RACE 2019 CROSS GAMES EUROPE 2018 YEDA / PROTENG Champ. 2018 CROSS GAMES EUROPE 2017 YEDA Open CZ/SK Championship YEDAcup2017 Set-Up Driftparty 2017 CROSS GAMES EUROPE 2016 YEDAcup2016 King of RC Nation-Cz/Sk 2016 Christmas Drift Party 2016 End of Summer 2015

End of Summer RC Drift Event 2015 


   YEDA-SHOP.EU and United RC drifters invite you to a sequel of very successfull End of Summer RC Drift Event from 2013. This time we will be closer to all competitors in the heart of moravia – Brno. There are 3 days full of drifting on 1 race track and 2 training tracks waiting for you!



OC FUTURUM, Vídeňská 132/100, 619 00 Brno     GPS: 49.1558761N, 16.5977750E


28. August 2015– free training
29. August 2015– qualification
30. August 2015– final battles

Training tracks are open from 7:00 to 22:00.
Race track is open according to group schedule.


The same carpet as WCH2015 in the Netherlands


AWD-DS Racing Comp. Series II FFF Zero
RWD-DS Racing RWD F-zero-rear axle
Front tires for RWD are free choice
For both categories tires are included in the price of entry fee.

Entry fee:

AWD 23,-€
RWD 19,-€
Both categories 29,-€


Beginning 12. June at 20:00
End: 16. August at 24:00
For registration copy the following text,add all the information and send to:

Registration for End of Summer 2015

Team / Club:
AWD or RWD or both:
Payment PAYPAL / Bank transfer:
Name of the PAYPAL account:


All the depos will be in locked and guarded area, that are only accessible by the drivers. Chairs and tables are provided by the organizer. The depos will be locked from 22:00 to 7:00.



Petr Štastný, alias "HAPPY"

Michaela Sacherová, Czech Drift Girl

Tomáš Viktora, alias "VIKI"


Rules for End of Summer 2015


-        Anything that´s not allowed is forbidden

-        Only 1:10 rc cars

-        Electric motor

-        50:50, CS, RWD

-        Maximum width of the body is 210 mm

-        Accessories for bodies are allowed

-        Accessories can exceed the outline of the body

-        Only chassis with 4 wheels are allowed

-        All wheelbases are allowed

-        Any mechanical modifications of the chassis are allowed

-        Any electronic stabilization systems are forbidden (except for RWD)

-        Changing CS during the race is allowed

-        Motors and gear ratios are not limited

-        Batteries NiCd, Nimh, LIPO 2S

-        Batteries must be stored in lipo bag during charging

-        Judges commit to judge impartially and fairly

-        Judges cannot switch between judging the zones, ideal line or style

-        The drivers’ can´t be under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs. If they are judges can disqualify them from the race and the organizers can expel them from the  building

-        If the driver is caught training on the race track in any other group than his own his best qualifying lap will be deleted

-        If the driver is caught training on the race track in any other group than his for the second time he will be disqualified

-        The driver can´t lodge a protest against the verdict of the judges

-        The driver can ask the judges for explanation of their verdict

-        Judges may at any time perform technical inspection of  the drivers car 



-        Drivers are divided into groups of 10 people

-        Each group has training time before their qualification run according to time schedule

-        Only the judges start the training time

-        Every driver drives separately during  the training

-        Driver can only start when the driver in front of him has passed marked area on the track (approximately ¼ of the track)

-        Driver can start the scored qualifying lap after the judges tell him to or on the lights are green

-        The scored qualifying run has one practice lap and three scored laps, each of the laps is started separately

-        If the driver makes a mistake in the safe zone the lap will be restarted, but only 3 restarts are allowed

-        The purpose of qualifying is to get as many points for zones and for driving style as possible

-        Each driver can ask the organizers for postponing the start for 3 minutes in case of technical issues right before the run

-        If the car breaks down during the scored run the driver cannot ask for restart

-        If the driver isn´t present before the start of his qualifying run he loses the opportunity to drive and the next driver in line goes to start

-        The order for battles is designated by one best lap of the driver

-        Maximum amount of points which can be obtained is 100

-        100 points are divided into 40 points for zones, 30 points for ideal line and 30 points for style 



Zone judge: max. 40 points 

-        The zone has a certain length. More points will be awarded for continuous drift through the entire zone. If the driver enters the zone late or exits the zone early the points will be awarded accordingly to the length that the driver drifted through the zone

-        Only entry, drive through and exit of the zone are watched by the judge

-        The judge watches the angle of the drift and the distance from the barrier. If the driver doesn´t drift through the zone and only goes straight through the zone the points for the zone are 0.

-        The judge takes the entry and exit to the zone into account (if the driver drifts through the zone at approximately 45° and in minimal distance to the barrier but his entry and exit weren´t ideal the judge will give less points for the zone.


Ideal line judge: max. 30 points 

-        Judges how the driver holds the ideal line defined on the drivers meeting

-        At the start the driver has 30 points

-        For each deviation from the ideal line points are subtracted from the original 30 points.


Style judge: max. 30 points 

-        Assesses the overall impression of the run

-        Takes speed into account

-        Assesses the aggression and speed of the direction change

-        Looks at smooth and steady angle of the front wheels

-        Evaluates the energy and passion of the driver


The driver gets 0 points when: 

-        Spins out

-        Contact with the surroundings causes a significant change of direction

-        Two wheels of his car runs over the marked track 



-        The drivers are put into the elimination table groups according to their qualification points

-        Group A has 16 drivers, however only 14 drivers are assigned to the group

-        Groups B-Z have 8 drivers, however only 6 drivers are assigned to the group

-        The remaining two places in the higher group will be occupied by the final two from the lower group

-        The winner of the final battle in the group proceeds to the 7. (15.) Position and the defeated driver proceeds to the 8. (16.) Position in the higher group

-        Each group has its practice time according  to the time schedule

-        The practice can start only after the judges tell the group to or on the lights are green

-        Battle practice is one on one

-        The drivers can start the practice run after the drivers in front of them have passed marked area on the track (approximately ¼ of the track)

-        Drivers can start the scored battle after the judges tell them to or the lights are green

-        The leader starts from the rear position, the chaser starts from the front position

-        The leader starts the practice lap, chaser starts after the leader has passed marked area on the track (approximately 1/3 of the track)

-        The battle starts by 1 practice lap and 2 scored laps afterwards. The pattern is: start – 1 lap – finish – switch of the lead car – start – 1 lap – finish

-        Leader has to keep the perfect line and speed

-        Chaser must copy the line of the leader and be as close as possible to the leader

-        If one of the drivers makes a mistake in the safe zone, the start can be repeated, but only 3 times

-        Each driver can ask the organizers for postponing the start for 3 minutes in case of technical issues right before the run

-        If the car breaks down during the battle the driver cannot ask for restart

-        If the driver isn´t present before the start his opponent automatically wins 



-        The judges have 10 points per battle. The points will be distributed amongst the drivers according to their performance (for example: 10:0, 2:8, 5,5:4,5,…)

-        After the battle the judges will determine a winner or a draw

-        The battle is won by the driver whose sum of gained points while driving as a leader and chaser is greater by at least 1 point than the sum of the opponents points

-        Points won´t be divided into decimal points

-        In case of a draw the battle is repeated without the practice lap 



-        Both judges score the battle complexly

-        The judges score style, speed, angle and smoothness driving

-        Leader gains points for smooth driving and driving in the ideal line

-        Chaser gains points for pushing as close as possible to leader

-        If the chaser drives out from the ideal line he loses points

-        If the chaser is pushing very closely on the leader uninterruptedly, he gains points (even if the leader is out of the ideal line)

-        The judges take the angle of the wheels and their stability in the line of drift into account

-        Overtaking is allowed only when the leader crashes

-        The leader loses if he gets out of the track

-        If the chaser overtakes the leader and the leader didn´t crash the chaser loses

-        If one of the drivers crashes the other one must complete the lap if he can

-        Leader can´t intentionally slow the chaser down

-        If the leader doesn´t follow the ideal line or intentionally slows the chaser down and the chaser hits the leader it is the leaders fault. Judges will deal with the cases individually

-        If the chaser hits the leader due to high speed or cutting the ideal line it is the chasers fault. Judges will deal with the cases individually

-        Slight bumping into leader in close battle is allowed, only if the leader doesn´t change direction of drift

-        If the chaser is very close to the leader and the track layout allows it the chaser can drive over  the track boundary with inner front wheel

-        Front wheel of the chaser cannot get in front of the leaders wheels 



The driver gets 0 points when: 

-        The opponent loses his line due to contact

-        Contact with the surroundings causes a significant change of direction

-        One wheel of the car runs over the marked track

-        Spins out

-        Stops



Driver list:


1)    Wurzer            Stefan            Wurzi            Hecktrixer                        AT             MST XXX                           YES
2)    Langer             Thomas        Langer          Hecktrixer                        AT             MST MS01 GT                     YES
3)    Schmutz           Herbert         Herb             Drift Rebels                      AT             MST XXX                           YES
4)    Nessel              Michael        Nessi           Drift Rebels                      AT            Yokomo DIB                         YES
5)   Rosenberger      Daniel          Rosi              Drift Rebels                     AT            Yokomo DIB                        YES
6)    Gottsmann       Alexander      Alex             Drift Rebels                     AT            Yokomo DIB                        YES
7)    Berger              Dominik         Domi            Drift Rebels                     AT             MST MS-01D                       YES
8)    Brunner            Florian           Flo                Drift Rebels                     AT            MST XXX                              YES
9)    Podrazil           Sebastian    Seppi             Drift Rebels                      AT           MST MS-01D VIP 2                  YES
10)  Šrédl                Martin           Koudy            D-Wrks Team                  CZ           Yokomo DIB RS              YES
11)  Čefelín            Jiří              Czheffi (čefi)   Hawk drift team Brno        CZ            Xray T2 008                       YES
12)  Krajča             Martin           Marf               DRT Ostrava                    CZ            Yokomo DIB ver.2                  YES
13)  Folvarčný        Petr               Folvik           DRT Ostrava                    CZ           Yokomo DIB                         YES
14)  Stáňa               Marek            Balů              Storedhammer crew       CZ           Yokomo DIB                        YES
15)  Štěpnička        Zdeněk           Nakaši         Side to Side                    CZ           Yokomo DIB                          YES
16)  Piechowicz     František        Lordfery       DRT Ostrava                   CZ           Yokomo DIB ver.2               YES
17)  Křeček            Vojta               Křečoun       Badoys Drifters               CZ           MST MS-01D                       YES
18)  Čefelín            Jiří                  Čefa              Hawk drift team Brno      CZ            Xray T2 008                       YES
19)  Čáslava          Martin             Trochen        tak trochen drift               CZ           YOKOMO Bid long                 YES
20)  Fapšo             Marcel             Marcel              Side to Side                 SK           Yokomo DIB                          YES
21)  Mikulík           Jiří                  Jiřina                Side to Side                  CZ           Yokomo DIB                         YES
22)  Ding               Victor              VectorX          Xtreme Drift Crew            AT          Yokomo DIB                       YES
23)  vd Hoogenband  Michel       Capt Caveman                    NL        Streetjam  R3R spidy          YES  
24)  Kupka            Petr                Nikollas             DRT Ostrava                 CZ          Yokomo DIB ver.2               YES
25)  Stehlík           Jan                 Johny                North Drift Arena           CZ          Yokomo DPM                      YES
26)  Mudraninec  Janči              Janči                  Side to Side                  SK          Yokomo DIB                         YES
27)  Janík             Lukáš             Luky                 YEDA RACING TEAM     SK          Yokomo DPR                       YES
28)  Bubla             Martin             Bublitch           North Drift Arena            CZ          OTA-R31                         YES
29)  Odstrčil         Luděk                                  Mamut Drift Racing Team  CZ          Yokomo DPR                       YES
30)  Přikryl          Radek                                  Mamut Drift Racing Team  CZ          Devil                                   YES
31)  Hrubý           Kamil              Jimbo                RC Driftteampv               CZ         Yokomo DIB                         YES
32)  Hrubý           Martin             Sany                  RC Driftteampv               CZ         Yokomo  DIB                        YES
33)  Janoušek     Filip                Filďas               RC Driftteampv                CZ         Yokomo DIB                         YES
34)  Hochberger  Jürgen           Juxx                  Drift Rebels                     AT         Yokomo DIB                        YES
35)  Maják           Ondřej            Mord                  North Drift Arena             CZ         Yokomo DPR                  Storno
36)  Činka           Miroslav         Hox                    OLDSKULL CREW           CZ         Yokomo DPM                         YES
37) Zoutenbier    Davey             DaveZ         Team Yokomo Netherlands   NL        Yokomo DIB/DPR                 YES
38)  Pelíšek        Roman            Pelda               tak trochen drift                CZ         MST                                     YES
39)  Majerník       Jan                 Yogi                                                          SK         Yokomo DIB                           YES
40)  Filipovič        Martin            Filda                  RC Driftteampv                CZ         MST  MS-01D                         YES
41)  Trčka            Ondra           Šediknír              RC  4x4 Moravia             CZ         TT-01D                               YES
42)  Koukal          Petr               Kukis                 RC 4x4 Moravia               CZ        Strada DC Evo
43)  Ciganyik       Petr               Cigi                                                             SK        Yokomo DRB                     YES
44)  Pavlus          Roman           Dero                                                           SK       MST MS-01D  VIP  II.         YES
45)  Pols              Edwin            SpeedFreak   Team Yokomo Netherlads   NL      Yokomo DIB or DPR           YES
46)  Pichler         Fabian           SNIKERS         Xtreme Drift Crew               AT      Yokomo DPR                     YES
47)  Zink              Mario             Gecko              Xtreme Drift Crew              AT        Yokomo  DIB                    YES
48)  Hirschhofer  Patricia         Patcii               Xtreme Drift Crew               AT        Yokomo  DIB                   YES
49)  Prokesch     Manuel          Shadow            Xtreme Drift Crew               AT        Yokomo  DIB                   YES
50)  Batke           Dominik        Nick               DBC Drifting Bastards Crew   AT       Yokomo  DIB                 YES
51)  Horák          Michal            Sporák               RC  4x4 Moravia                  CZ       TT-01ED                       YES
52)  Srba             Martin            Srbitch                                                            CZ       Sakura D3                      YES
53)  Karásek       Martin            kari                   D-WRKS                                CZ       Overdose Vacula/Divall       YES
54)  Sulanský     Karel                                       Mamut Drift Racing Team    CZ       Yokomo DPR                        YES
55)  Šidik            Jan                  Jeník                DRT Ostrava                          CZ       Yokomo DIB ver.2              YES
56)  Vavřík         Lukáš              Luki                 DRT Ostrava                           CZ       Yokomo DIB ver.2              YES
57)  Hlávka        Rostislav         Rossi                Mamut Drift Racing Team     CZ       HPI-Sprint 2                      YES
58)  Becha          Pavel              pavlos              Hawk drift team Brno            CZ      Yokomo DIB                       YES
59)  Quang Huy   Nguyen        Erik                  DRT Ostrava                            CZ      Yokomo DIB ver.2             YES
60)  Řezníček     Christián        Chris                D-Wrks Team                          CZ      Yokomo DIB ver.2              YES
61)  Müller         David              Dave                 JML                                          CZ      Xray  T3  2011                     YES
62)  Lysák          Tomáš             Lysmen            JML                                          CZ      Xray   T3  2011                    YES
63)  Zimoń         Mateusz          Mateo               Rc Arena Drift Team              PL      HPI Sprint 2 AWD              YES
64)  Sekula         Petr                Seki                  Rc Zlín                                      CZ     Yokomo                                YES



1)  Roupec           Roman          Rushman         Side to Side           CZ                    MST FXX                                  YES
2)  Schussek      Manuel         Automatix      DBC / Doribrothers     AT                   ----------------                               YES
3)  Möchel           Adrian          Flipside        DBC / Doribrothers     AT  D-Like Hybrid Re-R / Tamiya VDF RWD   YES
4)  Zimoń            Mateusz        Mateo         Rc Arena Drift Team       L                     MST                                       YES
5)  Ding               Victor           VectorX       Xtreme Drift Crew        AT   Yokomo DIB or D-Like Re-R Hybrid        YES
6)  Janík             Lukáš           Luky           YEDA RACING TEAM    SK            Yokomo DPR                                  YES
7)  Zoutenbier    Davey          DaveZ        Team Yokomo Netherlands   NL      Yokomo DIB/DPR                          YES   
8)  Kaisler         Bernhard       Bulli                  DBC                            AT                Yokomo DIB                            YES
9)  Majerník       Jan                Yogi                                                    SK                 Yokomo DIB                            YES
10)  Trux            Franz             Da_Fraunz       DBC                          AT                Yokomo DIB                             YES

Contacts for accomodations:


This year fell to a base camp at Camp Alpa in Ostrovačice . The camp is 17 km from Futurum and all the time on the highway. In the camp there are showers and toilets, fireplace, grill and pub with beer on tap and hot and cold dishes.

Sleeping in tents or cabins.

Prices are for us sattled night:
1,80 EUR per person
1,80 EUR tent
1,80 EUR car
3,40 EUR caravan
28,60 EUR cottage 4 beds (can fit 6 people
Emotikona wink

Prices are valid only when abundant in the camp, so everyone here

Any questions about accommodations sent to Petr Šťastný /HAPPY/

More accommodation offer: (BASE CAMP) (500m from BASE CAMP) (1km from Futurum)

All other questions about accommodation, write me, Petr Šťastný /Happy/ 

